Monday, October 13, 2008

Blue Orb Update

After Sufi read my post she emailed me to let me know about the blue orb imagery.

This time around she was guided to turn the chemo into blue orbs instead of hawks. The blue orbs were a transporters or bubbles "carrying the word 'opening' since the cancer has gotten very smart building doors. The orbs look harmless to the cancer unlike the hawk formations and the word opens the way."

Okay, for those of you not into the energetics of this adventure, I know blue orbs are a bit 'woo-woo'. But what I think you will find as interesting as I do is how Sufi's intuition concurs with my second opinion doctor.

The second opinion doctor told me that there is a new treatment by UCLA for my kind of cancer that is not as toxic as TAC, but is only about 5 years old in the breast cancer 'data' world. He said that if he was treating me, he'd use TAC too. But, if TAC should not work OR if the cancer got smart and learned how to fight the TAC protocol, I still have another chemo option to try.

My understanding is that sometimes cancer becomes like longer hair... it can build up a tolerance to the same shampooo.... so sometimes you gotta switch shampoos to get the same result!

What is interesting to me is that I never told Sufi this detail. All on her own she came up with 1) changing the imagery and 2) changing it because the cancer is getting smart!

It thrills me when there is tangible validation for our intuition!

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