Saturday, September 13, 2008

Natty Ass Hair

The hair today is close to shamefull. I just wanted my hair to last until Sunday. Serves me right for being so willfull. UGGGH

The falling out of my hair has gone beyond nasty. All day it has been dropping everywhere. I'm picking off the floor, my shirt, my morning goat yogurt, Molly's chew toys... I can't wait to have it off and I can do a good vacumming at home!

While waiting for my plethora of perscriptions at CostCo (the rumour is that the drugs are cheaper there... but 45 minutes later, they were the same price as Wallgreens) I started to feel a heaviness in the back of my head. I put my hands to the back of my head to find one huge, nappy ass dread lock!! YUCK!!!

So, what happens is all the hair that has already fallen out at a fast pace that I have refused to brush out got all tangled up in the other hair. Who would have thought this was going to happen.... again.... "I thought dot dot dot" I guess I have gone beyond the point of donating it...

Every corner has new surprises! And we shall see if my hair lasts until tomorrow afternoon. I hope so, I just bought purple hair die!

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