I have a few choice in regarding how the chemo enters my body.
1) Each time I go, I have and IV placed into my arm and it shoots through my veins. -NOPE!! I am so not signing on for that.
2) A PICC line. This is put into my upper arm. This is an in and out procedure. Benefits are that the scar is in a spot that no one will see it (inside of the arm) and not having to go 'under' for surgery. But the idea of have a long ass tube in my arm that I would probably feel each time I lifted my arm cause me the heeby geebies.
3) A PassPort. This is a titanium device with a silicone septum that is surgically placed under the skin of the chest. The catheter extends into a large or central vein. The port is accessed by a non-coring needle to give chemotherapy. It is intended for long-term use.
Yup, I opted for the PassPort. I was all up for becoming Bionic.
I had friend's lined up to drive me there and back and I planned to take whatever drugs they were offering.
In the conversation to the anesthesiologist I said, "Please, give me whatever you can that will send me happily off to Pluto. I have no desire to feel this."
Dr. F said that the only draw back was that I would have a small straight scar on my chest. So, I told her that if I was going to have a scar, could she a least make it into a smiley face instead of a straight line? :)
Yup, that is my attitude. There is no point fighting any part of this, so if I'm gonna have it done, can't it at least me done with a bit humour and style?
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