Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday night is all right

After 2 days of being spoon fed cooling, bowl-moving foods, I feel a break.

Every time I was awake I ate. I spooned in what I could. Ana P. was getting concerned coz I had eaten so little (but in my mind it was a LOT!). She was concerned that I was so lethargic coz I had no nutrients in my system. But part of me was like, "my body does not want to eat for a reason... maybe there is a logic in it?"

I request the raw meat and raw cream (the combination of these foods is actually alkaline. And for those of you who are nervous, I only get my raw foods from a place that specializes in raw foods. I don't get it from the supermarket). And as the meat entered into my body I felt something shift. I was back. Back into my body. And then I pooped!! YEAH!!!!

And about two hours later, on night 3 after the chemo, I was chowing down on a full on pasta meal with Ana's special meat sauce. The nausea had passed and I felt a semblance of normalcy. But don't get too excited, I still needed meds to fall asleep.

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