Friday, August 15, 2008

How I know this is real....

There are two kinds of people in the world when it comes to stress... Those that can't eat, and those that over eat.

My whole life I have DREAMED of being the former, but true to my lineage, I have always been the later.

Without out getting into lots of details at the moment, lets just say that I know that this has to real, because for the first time in my life I have NO desire to eat. In fact, not only do I have no desire to eat, but I'm just plane old not hungry.

Rima is concerned and tempting me with all kinds of home made dishes.

For the past few days I have done my best to try and put something in my body... soup is about the only thing that will pass my lips, and I'm not even feeling hunger pains!

That is how I know this is real, coz for the first time in my life, instead of shoveling food into my mouth, I'm actually repulsed by the idea of ... well, anything!!

This way of being with food is as foreign to me as the cancer in my body.


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